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Ingredients Glossary
Lecithin is a naturally occurring phospholipid found in many plant and animal sources, such as soybeans, sunflower seeds, and egg yolk. In skincare, hydrogenated lecithin is particularly valued for its...
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Due to its natural anti-inflammatory effects, Leucidal® provides quick relief from skin irritations and promotes healing. It enhances the skin's resilience and helps regulate sebum production, which is especially beneficial...
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Lingostem™ bietet einen umfassenden Schutz gegen Lichtalterung, indem es die Haut vor UV-Strahlung, Infrarotlicht und blauem Licht schützt. Es ahmt die natürlichen Schutzmechanismen der Preiselbeere nach, um die Haut vor...
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Lipase is an enzyme that plays a central role in skin care. It is known for its ability to break down fats and oils, making it an effective agent for...
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As a highly effective antioxidant, lycopene combats free radicals, which are responsible for cell aging. It helps the skin protect itself from oxidative stress, playing a crucial role in maintaining...
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