Facial tonic and facial cleansing

Our tonics are perfectly balanced to restore your skin's natural pH level. They gently remove any remaining impurities and prepare your skin optimally for the subsequent skincare products.

Tonic Sensitive

€48,00 | €128,00

Tonic Intense

€48,00 | €128,00

Purifying Tonic

€48,00 | €128,00

Gesichtsreinigung mit einem Gesichtstonic in der Hautpflegroutine einer Medical Skincare (Double Cleansing Part 2)

Nach der Gesichtsreinigung mit einem Reinigungsschaum ist der nächste Schritt in Deiner morgendlichen und abendlichen Hautpflege Reinigungsroutine die Anwendung eines feuchtigkeitsspendenden Gesichtstonics. Ein Gesichtstonic, auch bekannt als Gesichtswasser oder Gesichtstoner, ist immer der zweite unverzichtbare Schritt im Double Cleansing-Prozess und hat die Aufgabe, Deine Haut zu erfrischen und den pH-Wert nach der Reinigung wieder ins Gleichgewicht zu bringen. Das DOC.BERGER I EFFECT Gesichtstonic bietet Dir die Möglichkeit, je nach Hauttyp und Hautbedürfnis das passende Produkt zu wählen. Es stehen Dir drei unterschiedliche Tonics zur Verfügung:

  • Tonic Intense: Dieses Tonic ist ideal für normale Haut, fettige Haut oder die Kombination.
  • Tonic Sensitive: Speziell entwickelt für trockene Haut und empfindlichere Haut, enthält das Tonic Sensitive milde Inhaltsstoffe, die die Haut sanft reinigen, ohne sie zu irritieren.
  • Purifying Tonic: Wenn Du zu unreiner oder fettiger Haut neigst, ist dieses Gesichtstonic die richtige Wahl. Es enthält hocheffektive Wirkstoffe, die helfen, überschüssigen Talg zu regulieren und Unreinheiten vorzubeugen.

Die Wahl des richtigen Toners ist entscheidend, um die Haut optimal auf die nachfolgende Pflege vorzubereiten. Durch die Anwendung eines passenden Gesichtstonics wird Deine Haut perfekt ausbalanciert und aufnahmefähig für die Wirkstoffe des Gesichtsserums und der Tagescreme. Gib dafür ein paar Tropfen von Deinem Gesichtswasser auf ein Wattepad und streiche damit sanft über die Haut von Gesicht, Hals und Dekolleté. Integriere das Gesichtstonic als festen Bestandteil Deiner Reinigungsroutine und erlebe den Unterschied, den ein hochwertiges Gesichtstonic für Deine Haut machen kann.


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A high-quality facial tonic is an essential part of a comprehensive skincare routine. At DOC.BERGER | EFFECT, we focus on ensuring that our facial tonics are more than just effective cleansers. The tonics enrich skincare with a carefully selected blend of ingredients such as salicylic acid, willow bark extract, natural vitamin C, and resveratrol. These ingredients not only cleanse deeply but also provide antioxidant protection to shield the skin from free radicals, giving it a refreshed, youthful appearance.

Oligohyaluron, a key component in our formulations, provides intense moisture and helps plump the skin from within. Aloe Vera, known for its soothing properties, panthenol, which supports skin regeneration, and licorice root extract, known for its balancing properties, contribute to calming the skin and reducing redness and irritation.

Proper Application of an Effective Facial Tonic:

The application of a facial tonic is a crucial step to prepare the skin optimally for subsequent care. After cleansing your face with one of our high-quality cleansing foams such as "Foam Intense" or "Foam Sensitive," apply the facial tonic to a cotton pad and gently sweep it across your face. This process not only removes the last traces of dirt and makeup but also helps normalize the pH level of the skin, preparing it effectively for the absorption of facial serums or moisturizers.

Discover the effective facial tonics from DOC.BERGER | EFFECT and experience how they enrich your skincare routine. Whether you are looking for a daily cleansing facial tonic or a targeted care facial tonic, our facial tonics provide an effective and gentle solution for every skin type.



At DOC.BERGER | EFFECT, we understand the uniqueness of each skin type. That's why we offer an exclusive selection of facial tonics specifically tailored to the individual needs of the skin.

Tonic Intense: Effective facial cleansing for mature and resilient skin types:

Our "Tonic Intense" is an effective facial tonic specially developed for mature and resilient skin types. It contains salicylic acid (BHA) for deep exfoliation, hyaluronic acid for intense moisture, inositol and niacin to improve skin texture, urea, and lactic acid for skin care and suppleness. Enriched with aloe vera and licorice root extract, this facial tonic provides a soothing and regenerating effect.

Tonic Sensitive: Effective facial cleansing for sensitive and dry skin:

"Tonic Sensitive" is a gentle but effective facial tonic, ideal for sensitive skin and dry skin. It contains icthammol and an AHA complex that gently exfoliates, while panthenol and willow bark extract soothe and nourish the skin. Aloe vera provides additional moisture and promotes skin regeneration.

Purifying Tonic: Effective facial cleansing for impure skin:

The "Purifying Tonic" is a specialized water for facial care for impure skin. It contains icthammol and an AHA complex that effectively combats cornification and sebum deposits. Panthenol and willow bark extract soothe the skin, while aloe vera ensures intense moisture.

For optimal results, we recommend daily use of our facial tonics, both in the morning and evening. The regular application of a facial tonic ensures that the skin is continuously cleansed and toned, receiving essential nutrients. This helps improve the skin's appearance and keeps it healthy and radiant in the long run.



The term "toner" is often associated with products that contain alcohol and tighten the pores. However, modern "facial tonics" like those from DOC.BERGER | EFFECT have evolved. Our facial tonics are gentler and offer additional care properties. They are designed not only to cleanse the skin but also to nourish it and protect it from environmental influences and dryness.
Our facial cleansers contain a blend of nourishing and cleansing ingredients aimed at improving the skin's texture without drying or irritating it. They provide a gentle yet effective cleansing, helping to soothe the skin and give it a healthy, radiant appearance.

Explore our selection of high-quality facial tonics specially developed for various skin needs. Whether you are looking for a gentle facial cleanser for sensitive skin or an intense facial cleanser for mature skin, at DOC.BERGER | EFFECT, you will find the ideal facial tonic for every skin type.